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Seminario «Citizen Participation with Chinese Characteristics»

13 septiembre, 2022 @ 12:30 - 14:00

Su Yun Woo Seminario

La investigadora de la Universidad de Zurich Su Yun Woo, de estancia en el IESA, impartirá el seminario «Citizen Participation with Chinese Characteristics». La actividad tendrá lugar en la sede del IESA en Córdoba, y la asistencia es libre hasta completar aforo.

Abstract for Talk

Despite being an authoritarian country, China has experimented with different forms of citizen participation, even the ones with democratic inklings such as local elections and deliberation. How can we understand citizen participation with Chinese characteristics, especially given that China has become even more authoritarian recently under President Xi Jinping? Although the conventional view is to dismiss these forms of citizen participation as authoritarian window dressing, there are more nuanced perspectives to the emergence and development of citizen participation in China. To examine this complex but fascinating phenomenon, the talk will give a brief overview of the Chinese political system, provide some background on Chinese citizen participation, and more importantly, present some research findings on deliberative participation in China.

Su Yun Woo is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Political Science, University of Zurich.  While focused primarily on Chinese politics, her research interests also extend to citizen participation, deliberative governance, democratic innovations, urban governance, and Chinese foreign policy. Seeking to adopt a critical and nuanced analytical lens to study China, Su Yun believes in bridging academic research and praxis to explore, examine, and explicate insights into a multi-faceted and often misunderstood country, China, that is poised to profoundly influence and change the world. She also provides research advisory support to Social Equity and Participation Center, an NGO based in Chengdu, specifically on right to the City and citizen participation, as well as offers ad-hoc advisory support for Pax Tecum, a diplomatic consultancy based in London.

More information about her can be found at:


13 septiembre, 2022
12:30 - 14:00


Plaza Campo santo de los Martires
Córdoba, Córdoba 14004 España
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