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Seminario sobre la socializacion en actitudes y valores anti-inmigración

24 junio, 2022 @ 12:30 - 14:00

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El próximo viernes 24 de junio a las 12:30 tendrá lugar el seminario virtual «How and why does early life socialization affect our attitudes and values?», por parte de la investigadora Lenka Drazanova. Más abajo tienen un avance del seminario y la biografía de la ponente.
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Lenka Dražanová (EUI)
In recent years, attitudes to historically marginalized groups became a salient political issue in many countries. Many factors have been proposed to shape these attitudes from media effects to party cues. However, a vast majority of social science research shows that our attitudes and values are formed in early adulthood through socialization and are remarkably stable later in life. How can we then explain the rise of anti-immigration parties and a general cultural backlash in many countries in recent years? What are the main factors affecting (il)liberal attitudes? The seminar will address these questions, especially focusing on generational and educational differences in attitudes and why these exist.
Lenka Dražanová is a Research Fellow at the European University Institute’s Migration Policy Centre. Before joining the EUI, Lenka was a post-doctoral researcher at Humboldt University in Berlin. She received her PhD (summa cum laude) in Political Science from Humboldt-University’s Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences in 2016 and holds a Master of Arts in Political Science from Central European University in Hungary (2010) and a BA in Political Science from Charles University in the Czech Republic (2008). She is the author of «Education and Tolerance” (Peter Lang, 2017).


24 junio, 2022
12:30 - 14:00
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